Portfolio, Sketchbook, DeviantArt, Contact : marcdmc@gmail.com

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Not being able to work SUCKS

Last sunday after I finished the ChoW I realised I was getting a cold. By monday my head was trobbing! So All last week I couldnt do ANY work! It was seriously the worst.... And now Im finding it hard to get back into my routine which is even worse.

Ive finally got around to doing my own paintover of the last ChoW. Because after doing it and immidiately realising ALL the mistakes I made I thought I shouldnt just leave it and say lesson learned. I want to make this image work!
The three main things that went wrong were:
Didnt paint it thinking of how it would come across to others
Never got around to the second light source
Started everything off very dark expecting to build up, but that led everything to be very muted down and uninteresting
So heres what ive fixed so far. It can still go farther. I feel like If I can make this one perfect that will help me in future paintings. Also it will hopefully improve my eye for errors.


  1. i get a much better look at the character in this one, just with the change in values.

  2. Yeah its incredible the difference it made. I wonder how many times I have to repaint something before Im happy with it :P
