Portfolio, Sketchbook, DeviantArt, Contact : marcdmc@gmail.com

Saturday 13 December 2008

Zoo Studies!

Hey all, heres some sketches i did from my time in Dublin zoo with my class. As part of the animation drawing studies course we go to the zoo for three weeks, its was great fun and i got alot of realyl good work done.
Im just going to post the crocs, birds and turtles for now, il post the rest when i get time . .. i hope ye like lemurs! :D

Please click pictures to view closer.

The Crocodiles :O.......................The birdies :)
The Turtles kowabunga!

Friday 3 October 2008

Lack of Productivness

eeeeeehhhhhh so i havent posted in a LONG long time, but that doesnt mean im not doing art, i just have nothing worth posting really, nothing finished anyway, so i think il just post my academic stuff :P yaw thats what il do, for those reading this that dont know me ive recently started a drawing studies course based on animation in Dublin and im about 3 weeks in. Already i feel so much fucking better at art but i havent exactly tied it into my old style of digital painting, but when i do expect ALOT of AMAZING superFANTASTIC paintings/sketches/everything comin' atcha like a beam like a ray!

Peace out hommies.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

The Alps

Valley race

Eerie scene


Title: Not your average portrait
Name: Marc McCabe
Country: Ireland
Software: Photoshop/Painter

This is a piece i did last year that has been gathering cyber dust! heh, i finished it off very quickly a while ago so i could upload it, i decided against giving a finish, instead i tried something different, and here it is! Done in photoshop, took a VERY long time, especially the face, please critique! :D thanks, Marc.
Sci-fi Heres a quick sketch i did to warm up today :]


-I wanted to paint something, so i picked an animal and voila! emm toook about . . 3hrs,
-download for details
-oil on canvas
-please comment :3
Vince Noir
This is as FAR as im taking it! spending way too much time on it.. . didnt even bother going back over his clothes :3 it will do
DOWNLOAD for close ups! big download
original one [link]

A quick sketch of my new glasses, or "jags". took about 10 minutes in photoshop :3
100% outta my head. . . . i got a weird head :P