Portfolio, Sketchbook, DeviantArt, Contact : marcdmc@gmail.com

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Warm up sketch from this morning.
 photo Sketch_62_zpsb96d5f52.jpg

Start of a Sargent study
 photo Study_Sargent_01_lines_zps0453973b.jpg
 photo Study_Sargent_01_zpsc5b1415d.jpg

Monday, 15 July 2013

15/07/2013 Part 3

Started a one day a week conceptual art course. Heres some stuff.

Yakuza 3026

Same thing but a fight scene.

15/07/2013 Part 2

 Howard Pyle study

Self portraits

Sketches for a character I didnt finish
Sketches of random characters from CGHub


Because a giant light on your back is always useful.

WIP wolf guy
 More sketches

 From photos, dont do enough line work.

Indian archer doodle
 WIP character. Was having trouble with designing while keeping whatever lighting scheme I had set up. I gave up after getting frustrated with his face, the darks are too dark there .... I tend to let little things get to me.

Was messing around with the smudge tool at 100% Really fun way to carve into the forms and also drag the light around, for example the light on his left leg was one stroke from his foot to knee.

Kill meeeee

Tap dancing robot.
 Practicing cities from afar/landscapes.

Portrait study: Skerlert Jerhensern

New way I like to do studies in the morning, zoom out til there this size and never zoom in. 

15/07/2013 Part 1

Im not arsed to tell you which ones are studies and which are from my head.... so you figure it out.