Portfolio, Sketchbook, DeviantArt, Contact : marcdmc@gmail.com

Monday, 21 December 2009

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Final 3D Hand in

I did another render in class with more lighting coming from the camera side (coz the pc monitors are #!*?%.) but I didnt get to hand that in, and since now im at a good monitor I think il just post this version which I think is fine
I still dont know why the shadows of the objects are reacting funny, but Im done with this for a while, too many hours already spent on it :P
Edit: Just saw a close up, and NO the objects are NOT floating, thats just the weird shadows I mentioned :S

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Works in progresd

Il finish them some day...

Still Life

Seiler Caricature

For a contest to win a caricature BY Jason Seiler! the most awesome caricature artist right now in zee world! http://www.jasonseilerillustration.blogspot.com/

The winner is announced on todays chui-stream

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Come to me!

Sketch I drew for the chiustream tonight. http://chiustream.blogspot.com/, great interview with Marcelo Vignali tonight, really inspiring.

All day i was thinking its mermaids tonight, and I was so busy I never bothered to check but apparently everyone drew there entries LAST night. So through out the whole interview I was drawing away really proud of myself because I actually like everything about this drawing ha, and then bobby says ok and now time to announce the winners from the mermaid competition! I dropped my watercolors and cried! Ah no i didnt ... but it doesnt matter, maybe il watercolor it when I gather myself

Monday, 26 October 2009

20 sept - 26 oct update

Ive been internet deprived so heres what I can post at the moment. Theres lots of things id like to post but either they havent been rendered or line tested or in the case of digital paintings painted!


After I clean up the animation, inbetween it, and do final line, im going to color it in photoshop, and then in one animation put it all together since ive done each stage on seperate sheets, including the arms :P by the end the background will eventually work into it and then the colors for that until the final touches happen and il loop it a bit, il probably make a pan for the background... or maybe il scrap the whole thing :)

3D work

This is all thats worth showing :P

Figure Studies

Digital Work

Some digital stuff im working on