Portfolio, Sketchbook, DeviantArt, Contact : marcdmc@gmail.com

Sunday, 28 February 2010


Walk cycle WIP1 bugs from Marc McCabe on Vimeo.

I meant to post this aaaaaaages ago, I uploaded it to vimeo and everything, guess it just slipped my mind.
Anyway Il be posting another animation after this, just as soon as vimeo finishes its thing that it does that takes 30 minutes.. I think its just punishment for not giving them money.

Btw I realise bugs has no hands, he will have hands, Im just too lazy to draw something that wont change anyway

1 comment:

  1. I had the same with my character (the blade and facial details), but I just thought I want to make a showreel at the end of this year, cant have half slapped together pieces of animation, drawing the hands wont take more then 1 or 2 hours!
